08 April 2015

Time for a breather, maybe

I'd say it's time for a short breather but I'm not sure. I've been going back and forth for snowboarding, here half the week, at the slopes half the week and I'm ready for things to slow down for a while. I'm not sure I'm going to get that break though. Snowboard season is over, Whitney won in her age group at USASA Nationals, so it's time to pack up the winter gear and look towards spring. Problem is that we're at the point of only having about eight weeks of school left with her until graduation, I have to plan her party, plan vacation, and have a bunch of other stuff on my plate, including homeschooling. I do feel that things are a bit easier now that I'm home all the time but I'm still trying to get my feet under me after being gone for a week for Nationals and figure out what's what. We must press forth and finish strongly!

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