24 August 2011

We had a great time at my brother's, enjoyed time in his pool, Sweet Pea rode bikes with her aunt and cousin, logging in a couple of long rides (PE hours!), I enjoyed visiting with my sister-in-law before we all get super busy with school and activities.  So now we're back home, there's been an earthquake and a hurricane is coming our way.

One good thing about these crazy happenings is that Sweet Pea has asked to do a unit study on both hurricanes and earthquakes.  Last year we did one on tornadoes.  She's been watching "Storm Chasers" and loves it; can't wait for the new season to begin.  Now with the strong earthquake (which we didn't feel, we were in the car on the way home) in the unusual place of middle Virginia, she wants to learn more about them.  The earthquake was centered in the town where my cousin and his family as well as my aunt and uncle live.  Fortunately the only damage it sounds like they had was falling pictures and books.  I'll take whatever it is that sparks an interest in something science related in Sweet Pea!  So when we start with the Earth Science class this year, I'll fit in something more in depth about earthquakes.  I'll also see if I can't find a place to add in hurricanes.  They have ruined more vacations for us!  But at least it gives us good stories to share and we've always made it out unscathed.

So here's to the earth and weather that makes great teaching moments!

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